Our programs are intended for use by fathers committed to responsible parenting. Individuals seeking our services are subject to screenings, and once enrolled, failure to comply with program expectations may be grounds for an eligibility review.
Our Program & Services

Lost and Found Program:
We provide the services of private investigators to locate lost children so that they may be reunited with their fathers. Our investigators will only transfer findings to a client's personal lawyer to ensure confidential handling of information and the security of all relevant parties. This program provides responsible fathers and their lawyers with the information that they need to contest situations in which a father's partner or former partner may be illegitimately preventing that father's access to their children.

Stand and Fight Program:
We recognize that many fathers and families experience unequal treatment in the court system. Unfair technicalities and gaps in laws and regulations can separate otherwise qualified fathers from their families.
We provide legal assistance by preparing those fathers to defend their right to fatherhood. Program members receive education in relevant family law, and they have access to document preparation services so that fathers know their rights and process all required forms as necessary for their particular situations. Additionally, we instruct fathers in proper courtroom etiquette, allowing them to present themselves as responsible fathers in a formal setting. Cumulatively, all of these elements can play key roles in navigating injustices that occur in the judicial system.

We lead online and LIVE meetings where fathers have the chance to connect with one another. Accessible from anywhere with reliable internet connectivity, these groups foster a safe discussion environment for fathers to share their experiences and learn from one another. Each father can unburden himself of unhealthy emotions in a way that is both productive and can be validated by others who share similar difficulties. By openly exploring these struggles with their peers, fathers are less likely to repress issues that they must confront in order to become model parents. Meeting groups grow together by discussing effective strategies for dealing with their emotions and for approaching problems. Additionally, group activities such as brainstorming help fathers draw on their collective wisdom for their collective benefit. Facilitators lead fathers through exercises in identifying and prioritizing their values and responsibilities. Ultimately, our support group changes the way that participants think about being a father, showing them that fatherhood is an incredible opportunity to nurture an irreplaceable bond with their children.

Build-Up Program:
We pair fathers seeking one-on-one support with experienced mentors who are model fathers. Our mentors deliver services that are similar to those of our Fatherhood Support Group, but on a much more personalized scale. We select our mentors from the highest performing and most improved fathers that have graduated from our various programs, making them experts in our fatherhood curriculum. We carefully match program members with individuals who fit both the personalities and the needs of the fathers we serve. Mentors operate as fatherhood coaches and they regularly contact mentees to ensure extra accountability. Additionally, mentors and mentees forge their own trusting relationship so that they can cooperatively work together to create effective, customized strategies for tackling mentees' problems. This hands-on approach often includes direct modeling of parenting skills in a way that can only be demonstrated in individualized instruction. Mentors also keep a running record of their mentees' growth over time, which allows members of this program to track their development in detail.
More Service's & Programs That we Offer...

Child Support Payment Program:
We assist registered clients who qualify for this program with a portion of their child support payments. In 2016, the United States Census Bureau reported that the average national child support payment cost $430. For many, monthly payments can exceed $2,000. For those already living at or below the poverty line, this cost is unmanageable, and we alleviate part of this significant strain through our payment program. We account for fathers' financial circumstances, required monthly payments, and other factors in our review process, and we pay a portion of clients' monthly fees on their behalf. Ultimately, this relief allows fathers to focus on other fatherhood responsibilities that require them to show up for their children without the distraction of a personal financial crisis. Please see the information below for client registration and access to this program.

Doc-In Program:
As one of our core ambitions in the next year, we are working hard to bring licensed case workers and professional medical staff onto our team as a a part of a huge effort to make sure that fathers have some substantial new resources to utilize in our programs. We hope to provide the ongoing mental health support fathers may need to process issues that prevent them from focusing on successful parenting. Additionally, we endeavor to bring in medical professionals to make sure that our clients' baseline physical health does not prevent them from acting as fathers to their children. If our doctors believe that health issues may prevent effective fatherhood, our team will work with clients to design effective strategies to address any relevant problems and put our clients in a better position to pursue being fathers to their children. Our mental health staff will simultaneously operate in some of our current core programming by leading some Fatherhood Support Groups and teaching particular skills from their background in family therapy or childhood development. Furthermore, we plan to integrate some of our new mental health staff into our hotline operator team so that we can directly respond to fathers in crisis rather than having to refer them for support elsewhere.

Fatherhood Ambassador Program:
We acknowledge that in certain instances, fatherhood issues may involve law enforcement. While we do not offer domestic violence services, we coordinate with police to resolve cases such as verbal disputes between parents, as well as potential arrests for failure to pay child support. This program seeks field officers committed to fostering trust within their communities. Volunteer police officers undergo training in fatherhood-related dynamics so that they can communicate with families in language that deescalates situations and promotes the much-needed image of officers as community resources. Program police guide fathers to our support systems. More specifically, enrolled officers determine if calling our foundation into dispatches is appropriate, and we work with fathers to take care of child support payments or deliver crisis mediation services so that agitated fathers feel supported and see a route to being a better father through our programs. In the Fatherhood Ambassadors Program, our goal is to work with police to prevent arrests before they become necessary, to curb domestic violence before it emerges from verbal arguments, and to position police, fathers, families, and our foundation as a coalition that promotes a better future for our communities and for our children.

Polygraph / Lie Detector Services
We will be offering a new service starting in 2022. Polygraph or lie detector services for all members and to the open public as well. This service is only for court purpose only or for our P.I. services.
This service is only available in states that allow this in court or that is admissible in a court of law. Within that state or location. If that state doesn't allow it, this service will not be allowed. All polygraph examiners are certified and bond within there own state and location. All services are confidential and kept private, though our nondisclosure agreement. The bases for this service is to help know the truth and to help you relax. And ease some that stress away from not knowing.
All pricing is based off where you live or what state you are in. Most prices range from $300.00 up to $1,500.00, please check with your caseworker or operator for pricing.

All crisis workers and caseworkers are certified in dealing with crisis or social worker training. any information given during any conversation with a caseworker or crisis worker is kept confidential. We uphold the highest standard of ethics and policy guidelines for every client or potential client.

Are you a Father n Need HELP??
Are the pressures of the world getting to you? Are you having, constant sleepless nights? Do you feel the pressure of feeling like a failure in your relationship with your children? Do you wish you had someone you can talk to, who understands you, who feels your pain, or who has been through the same kind of issues? Well, call us here at the National Saving Fatherhood Foundation fatherhood crisis line.
(833) 867-3346 Ext. 0