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It is time to take a stand for all children out there & and their fathers. We are starting a petition to bring to D.C. to tell them that fathers still matter in this world and that we are not 3rd rated, class people in this world. We do count and we are still needed, so help change the laws. We need 200,000 signatures to take to D.C., but we you to sign-up and help.
Sign our petition & take a Stand
"فإذا كان الأب هو الرأس كما تعلمنا، فيجب عليه أن يعرف ويفهم ما هي وظيفته في الحياة. ليبني أساسًا قويًا ومنزلًا قويًا."
ألفريد عبد الأمين، مؤسس شركة NSF.
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