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Get to Know Us

  In charge of all financial transactions and audits within the company. Determining financial funding and funding Capabilities. Overseas financial day-to-day. In charge of all receipts within the banking system, which is currently used for the foundation. The only person this department will have to report to or ask for Permission or authorization from is the president of the organization. Or the board of directors for full authorization. This position does not grant free will of funds. And needs to be able to show receipts and transactions of said receipts. To the board of directors and shareholders, if there is some. The Treasury Department is in charge of coordinating with other departments for fundraisers and other needed avenues, for funding or dealing with funding for other departments. All other departments if funding is needed, will have to report to the Treasury Department and have said full proposal in writing or intricate for approval.

  It is their job to record the minutes for all board meetings and to keep prestige records of the minutes. Regarding any information change or privacy information needed to be given or transferred to another department. Also to record all voting and keep records of all voting history current and prior. This position is a valuable pin within the organization/ foundation.

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