About the Role
Able to take dictation, Type at least 35 words per minute, required to travel local and abroad. Process information and upload information to website or to print. Must have a grasp of English language or multiple language skills. Must be able to listen and hear the story in its full eternity. Try requiring you to be able to follow instructions and follow a chain of command. Must be able to interpret understand and fully completely sympathize with the story...
We are looking for a qualified journalist for up-and-coming new project. You must have your press card and AP card. Must be willing to travel and have reliable transportation. You will be able to work from home or abroad. Must be able to meet deadlines and set your own reasonable hours. Must be able to work with others and collaborate with others. Must have management skills and able follow as well. This is a monthly magazine and will be produced and sold across the nation. Must be able to load and upload files and process information at a rapid speed. Ability to able to take dictation.
About the Company
We are the national saving fatherhood foundation incorporated. We specialize in family and unique situations, Dealing with custody, Charles mental separation and mental stress within the family dynamic. This magazine is a new project and will be defined as a leg of our main objectives or our mission statement.